Part 20: Ghost Ship 1
BottledBodhisvata posted:
Immensely so. You can't say that they half-assed it with this one, at the very least.
Would certainly be easier to transcribe if they did!

And now we're getting into the part of the game where even the dungeons start taking multiple updates. So, without further ado...
So glad I got these two updates done before the FJF started...
Welcome back! Last time, a mysterious Ghost Ship appeared and stopped the Steamer from getting to New Parm, so Justin, Sue, and Feena went aboard to... Actually, I'm not entirely sure what they intended to accomplish by doing that.


Hey, a door! We'll have this mystery solved in no time, gang!

Ruh-oh, Raggy.

This looks more promising.

Normally I'd gif that, but with the mist and the boat rocking, it winds up ballooning the filesize.

The game needs more pitch black screens with characters talking. Makes it much easier to rip the portraits.

Even her sprite blushes here.

Yoink! And the Save Point hint talks about Feena's magic. I'll be going into more detail about that soon enough.

This room is kind of cluttered.

But this angle lets you see the Herbs, at least.


Thankfully, Feena knows how to deal with the undead. Burn!, as you might have already guessed, is a fire-elemental attack with a small AoE.

Decent damage, though.

In the end, though, the eight-year-old beats both of the ghosts back to death with a mining hammer. Also, no, these ghosts don't resist physical attacks, that one was just defending.

The rewards they give are shit, though.

More money.

And here we can see that the ship is ship-shaped, even if it's not ship-shape.
... I never said my puns were any good.

We run into another ghost hidden behind that pot there.

Surely this hit both of them, right?


Sue continues to be a re-murderbeast.

Just pretend there's a Tindeck link to the first Ghost Ship Interior music here. Or pretend the game keeps on playing the second one. Either way works.

Two bags of gold, another group of ghosts, and some new thing up in the corner.

The ghost dodges Feena's whip. How rude!

Justin and Sue each got two hits off on their ghosts. You'll notice that Sue is nearly doing Justin's combo damage per hit.

Anyway, the two of them race to get the finishing blow.

Feena joins the race too late, Justin's already swung his sword and claimed victory.

Sea Jellies!

We actually do hit two of them this time. During spell animations, all sprites are frozen, except for the one that are affected by the attack, which shake.

Something important to note about AoE skills: The one targeted takes more damage than those in the splash area.

Each Sea Jelly gives more EXP and Gold than a Ghost does, and they come in larger groups, which are placed closer together.
Basically, fuck ghosts.

Onward and upward! Literally!

That's a lot of gold.

That is not nearly as much gold, but at least we can pick it up.

It is nice that they show you how the crew got around the ship before it rotted away.

More gold! What are we going to spend it on? Something that's still a ways off.

That's one hell of a skull up there.

I don't even know what this thing is that's waving back and forth, but we can examine it!

Anyway, let's grab that meat.

Anyway, that door leads to the upper part of this room.

Well, can't go that way.

More gold! And more ghosts!

I guess Feena is a descendant of the Belmonts.

While Justin can't even finish off a weakened ghost in one shot.

Hmm? What's this?

Three guess which element this dungeon's boss's big fuckoff special attack is. It goes on the artillery made of tissue paper. It actually doesn't matter.

And while I'm here, I swap out her mittens for a shield. Might as well actually, y'know, bother to change armor every once in a while.

A wound salve.

Those things look new.

As you might imagine by their thick shells, these guys have high defense.

As you also might imagine, I give zero fucks about this and whip the bastards to death anyway.

For an ususual reward.

And a level for Justin.

The Smarna Weed is the first thing we get that can debuff enemies. So let's see how long it takes me to remember that I have it.

Ghost and Sea Jelly visible already.

Gold with treasure chest visible.


Apparently there's only so much room for text in the pre-battle menu, as the enemy names will overwrite the "Ambush" or "Your Initiative" messages once they start scrolling off the screen.
I should have a screencap of "Marna Bugiative!" somewhere...

Shout! deals little damage (in fact, it didn't even scratch Feena), but hits all allies, goes off pretty quickly, and has a stun effect.

Feena Belmont proves her skill at busting ghosts.

Meanwhile, inside the treasure chest, we find this.

Which gives Sue the defense boost she needs to surpass Justin.

Still way behind Feena, though.

Something I haven't specifically mentioned yet is that, oftentimes, equipping the best weapons you have is not a good idea. By killing the enemies in fewer hits, you're getting less weapon XP from them, and you grow more slowly.
However, in the interest of avoiding grinding, that shit goes right on Justin.

Dear lord, they're multiplying!


As you can see, Burn! wrecks them pretty hard.

And Justin gets a sword level from picking off one of the stragglers. Notice how the Admiral's Sword's sprite is much smaller than the Ceramic Sword's.

And those fuckers didn't drop any money!

I love goooooooold!

I don't love ghoooooooost!
And, uh, pretend there's a "Ghostoidtiative!" screenshot here, if you think it'd be funny. If not, then ignore this line.

Hits the three in the back, but not the one up front.

And Sue does what Sue does best, and gets better at it for having done it. The rest of the fight goes as expected.

And we pick up another

This door just leads back to the upper deck. So let's try the other on-

Edward Tohr cancels Create LP: Interrupted by Carp.
See you next time!